Somewhere underneath this wreckage is a rather startled little French car. Notice the checker board "wall" that used to be the "floor".
Nice lift kit, huh? I'll be all but invisible in Kent now!
Broken and battered, Aunt Bea held onto her dignity, refused all assistance and drove out of the ditch under her own power. No kidding, that is one seriously tough truck.
Ignoring the law, Bea hitched a ride anyway.
The trailer was a little spartan, so we spruced it up with this festive mobile made of fuel jugs!
Red paint smears from Pujo! are on every interior surface of the trailer except the floor. Pujo! must have felt like a drumstick in a bag of Shake-n-Bake. (credit to Bret Dodson for the comparison)
"Open other end"
Don't worry about being gentle, guys. WE'VE ONLY WORKED ON THAT CAR EVERY WEEKEND FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS!!!
"For sale, 0ne pace convertible car hauler. Minor cosmetic work required. A real bargain!"
No humans were harmed in the making of this film.